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For those of you who don’t read Spanish, but have an interest in what Conexiones Latinas is all about, we will be including a brief summary in English of the articles included in the newsletter. We currently publish our informative newsletter every three months that contains articles that talk about health issues, social and legal issues, and cultural celebrations.
If you would like to publish an article, place an ad in our quarterly newsletter, or receive copies of the flyer, please contact us at info@conexioneslatinas.org.
Please remember that Conexiones Latinas reserves the right to edit and revise informational articles as appropriate.
If your organization would like to submit an article or other information for publication in future editions of Conexiones Latinas feel free to do so. Information which is time specific should be submitted at the beginning of the quarter PRIOR to the quarter in which your event will take place.
Publication dates for the year are January, April, July, and October. We want Conexiones Latinas to work for you, so let us hear about your organization, upcoming events and information of interest to our community.
Information should be written and ready for publication when it is submitted. If possible, submit the information in Spanish. If this is not possible, you may send it in English and it will be translated by a Conexiones Latinas volunteer. Submit information by mail to:
Conexiones Latinas c/o Jodi Roberts
201 N Main St, Suite 360
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
Fax (920) 568-5023